Volunteering Experience of Sai Samarpita

Volunteering is something that is not forcibly put on us. That is the best part for why I love volunteering. It gives a chance to explore the fields we are interested in. Other than quantitative and qualitative values like discipline, punctuality, and leadership abilities that it adds to our personality, what matters the most is the sense of accomplishment, the sense of satisfaction that we get after the completion of every volunteering activity. Also, the time we need to take out for volunteering is quite flexible.
The reason why I would always choose and love volunteering for IEEE is the miraculous exposure it provides. It gives a chance to connect to various regions, sections, sub-sections, student branches and student chapters. We get to learn not only what is happening in various other sectors of IEEE but also learn the way to implement it along with valuing cultural heritage. The learning opportunity is limitless. We get in contact with experienced faculties and students from various institutions.
In addition, selection process that IEEE adopts to choose a volunteer is something that is worth of. Even when we don’t get selected, IEEE never leaves a chance to motivate us to explore further opportunities by working on the reasons that did not let our selection happen earlier.
The first experience that I had as a volunteer for IEEE is by being a part of the marketing committee for IEEE Move India under India Council. The induction program and then the specific meeting for the marketing committee went well.
Then by being an IEEE Ambassador, the sense of pride came with being updated with the events that is happening all around and thereby leading the Student Branch and maintaining the record for every event.
Working as a Social Media Volunteer for Women In Engineering International Leadership Conference 2022 is something that gave me an experience to remain till eternity. Not only interaction with people from different countries, but the little accomplishments like being mentioned in the list of volunteers on the website and on LinkedIn, praised for the work done is something to be carried forward with and feel proud of. Being a Volunteer for IEEE WIE ILC, I have managed to inspire many girls around me.
Recently, I was a volunteer for IEEE WIE Project Based Learning Camp 3.0. What I was most proud of is being inspired from the participants. Their experience, the way they came up with innovative ideas was extravagant. Definitely, handling children with utmost patience was challenging but I hope I had done it up to expectations.
Benefits that IEEE has offered can never be compressed into some points. Just to name some, the first thing is publications on behalf IEEE. Various magazines and research papers have helped me to stay technically updated.
Attending frequent Webinars and conferences that are organized by IEEE have helped me to gain practical knowledge-both technically and non- technically.
In addition, various leadership opportunities like volunteer, ambassador, Co-Ordinator have not only added value to my resume but also enhanced by abilities to lead a team and focus on self-development. Such Opportunities have even helped me to get selected for internships.
Being the content writer for IEEE VSSUT BURLA STUDENT BRANCH, I got the chance to write about the events that we had done in our Student Branch in 2020-21for Region 10 Newsletter. It has enhanced my visibility to a greater extent
Every moment that I had spent with IEEE through ambassadorship and volunteer ship and especially with my Student Branch is a story that I will always relish. Words can never define that eternal feeling.
But one story that I would love to share is that of my Volunteering for IEEE Women In Engineering International Leadership Conference. I had made one video for International Women’s Day on my idea about how I would break the bias. My answer to that question was PROMINENCE-PROMINENCE in terms of women taking leads in almost all technical sectors. Never did I imagine that video to inspire a lot many girls around me. The messages and the immense response I got from people around me have become the source to make me shiver with happiness. I have even got an e-mail from my social media Leader-Lea saying the video to be nice. The story of acceptance of my video is one of my favorite stories, not only because I had got praises for that video but also because I had managed to inspire people around me.
I am a passionate writer. I own a blog named Enthralling under Readers’ Blog of Times of India. I am one of the co-authors for the four anthologies with my poems published in it. The anthologies are-‘UP IN SMOKES’ by the youth of India through the Write Order, ‘STAY WITH ME’ by the Stroke Stories Publications, ‘FLAWED’ by the Divine Publications and ‘SENORA’ by the Quill House Publication. I am also a poet on ‘all poetry’ website.
I have one of my research papers been published as a Co-Author and the presenter of the paper titled “Convolutional Neural Network based Lung Cancer Detection” at the 1st International Conference for Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies (ICSEAPT -2021); organized by NIT Jamshedpur (EE Dept.). Springer was its publication partner.
I have been awarded with the best podcast leader in relation to my anchoring internship at Saral Bharat. I have exceled in the rest three of my internships –two in relation to Content Writing and one in relation to Digital Marketing.