Dear Distinguished Colleagues, Academicians, and Research Professionals, It is our...
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Dear Readers,
Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. India Council continued to set new goals for the year 2022 through a Vision document and Vice Chairs have come up with their plans to achieve them. These plans are fantabulous, with “innovation” and “Think big” ingredients. “Humanity in everything we do” is the theme and all activities are moulded in that way.
More focus on Academic Industry association, benefits to Young Professionals by way of hands-on training as well as workshop on higher education opportunities, membership growth through specific elevation guidance programs, innovative educational programs, Pan India Women in Engineering programs are some of the major highlights. As of now India Council has set up joint awards with HOPE Foundation, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd as well as Institute of Engineers. We are working on to add more joint awards with Corporates in IT and Electronics domains. This year, India Council awards is planned to be bestowed through a celebrated Award Night.
MOVE Outreach program is in its full spirits and the sponsorship canvassing in progress. The MOVE India truck is planned to be rolling out by end of this year.
In order to have continuity in programs of India Council when new team takes over, we plan to have joint meetings of outgoing and incoming Vice Chairs during the end of the year.
India council has also initiated a platform to have all the Councils under Region 10 to come closer and discuss joint activities.
Looking forward to your continuous support.