Volunteering Experience of Dikshita S Aladakatti
Dikshita says that, “IEEE helps me explore more about my Skills & Abilities. IEEE gives me an opportunity to be a part of many professional teams at various levels.”
She has been a member for 3 years now and her learnings from IEEE have been increasing exponentially as the years pass.
Recently, Pune Section hosted AISYWLC’22 in collaboration with India Council, there were many competitions in it, one such competition was Section’s Spotlight which involved creating a video from each section highlighting their Activities of the quarter. She edited the video of Bangalore Section, and their team won 2nd prize for the same. It was really a proud moment for her section as well as for her.
According to her IEEE helped me polish her social & Interpersonal skills, gave her an opportunity to be a part of National Conference -AISYWLC for 2 years now, also got her an opportunity to volunteer at Section & India Council level.
It’s been 3 years since she is a part of IEEE Family and there’s no turning back.
In every step IEEE has taught her a lot of things, the best part was interacting with people from various Industry backgrounds. Every interaction till has been her favourite and has been added to her IEEE Story book.