Volunteering Experience of Deepak Doopati

During my initial days of under graduation, I felt like changing the track/way of learning things, then I came to know about IEEE and IEEE CS Chapter. Then I started working to start a student branch chapter at my institute. This is the first reason for taking the IEEE membership. Through my participation in IEEE, I am able to gain a better understanding of my professional development. Volunteering at the student branch, section, and global levels has given me confidence in accepting and fulfilling responsibilities. IEEE helped me in turning my vision into plans, plans into action. The discrepancy between me before being an IEEE Member and after uniting in IEEE is a major achievement. I have learned many things while volunteering at IEEE which made me transformed from a normal student to a Leader. Managing education, home situations, and involvement in activities is not easy but IEEE moulded me to deal with all these things very smoothly.
The thing I’m most proud of is Being an initiator and founding member of IEEE Jayamukhi CS SBC, I have delivered various talks on the benefits of IEEE and IEEE CS for the passion and progress of CS chapter, which made a massive growth from a count of 4 to 36 Members. Also , this helped me to excel from a student volunteer to Richard E. Merwin Student Scholar. I have contributed to the various sections by volunteering for the graphics designing role. Also, I was appointed as a chairperson in 2021 of (IEEE Jayamukhi) Student Branch .
Some benefits that I got from IEEE are Networking. It helped me to talk to a bunch of people from different fields having different thoughts which helped me to improve my cross thinking. Another benefit can be leadership Quality at initial stage I was very shy but after some conferences it helped me to gain confidence in myself.
I think every moment spent with IEEE is my favourite moment. However, apart from IEEE I’ve been working as a campus ambassador for Technozion , E – hack – 2019. Also in 2020 I was working as president for the National Service Scheme Jayamukhi Unit. Basically, This scheme aimed at developing students’ personality through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young volunteers in Colleges, universities, working for a Campus and Community Linkage. Besides this I did various internships but the experience i’m having with IEEE is the best.Being part of these activities throughout my student journey gave me new opportunities to learn and helped me to be a true human being.