Outstanding WiE Volunteer - Rajashree Jain
Dr. Rajashree Jain is a Professor at Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research, Pune, India. An experienced holder of about 25 years, she obtained her Ph.D. Degree in the faculty of Computer Studies from Symbiosis International University, Pune, Maharashtra, India. She holds double master’s Degrees (M. Phil and MSc) in Applied Electronics from Jnana Ganga, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India. She has been a meritorious student all along and was a national merit scholarship holder, a rank holder, and has received a Gold Medal for securing the first rank during her post-graduation. Her research areas are in the areas of Microwave techniques, antennas, optimization, nature-based algorithms, AI and Sensor network, IoT, Data analysis, entrepreneurship, and education. She also has more than 15 research papers to her credit published in reputed journals and has presented research papers at various national and International Conferences. She has served as Chair/member of organising various technical conferences and leadership summits.
She is an active member of professional organisations like IEEE, CSI, and the National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN). For the past 10 years, she is into entrepreneurship training and mentoring student start-ups in the area of techno-management. She is a certified entrepreneurship educator from NEN, IIM B, and Stanford Technical Ventures Programme (STVP). She is instrumental in mentoring a few student start-ups at SICSR.
For several years she has been working as an active volunteer to serve IEEE Pune Section in various capacities. She currently holds Vice-chair, Student Activities, IEEE India council, and Treasurer, IEEE Pune section for the year 2019. She was Vice Chair, Women In Engineering, IEEE India Council, 2016-18, and Chair, Women In Engineering, IEEE Pune Section 2014-2016. Under her leadership, WIE AG Pune received WIE AG of the Year, Hon. mention
Dr. Rajashree’s contributions to IEEE The contributions remain threefold.
She has always encouraged the existing student members of her student branch and new members to engage in IEEE, as it provides an ocean of opportunities for students. As a student branch counsellor, she has organized about 22 events reaching more than 2000 members and prospective members (Nov 2020 to October 2021). This has created a buzz and awareness about IEEE on campus. As an impact, the branch has seen 98% growth in its membership. As a mentor to various groups of the student branch, the other achievement was getting collaborations, support, and opportunities for all stakeholders. WIE Symposium held in November 2020, and Education 4.0 held in July 2021 are very good examples of collaboration both at national and international levels catering to a larger audience. As WIE SB AG and SIGHT group during the difficult times of COVID 19, she could reach 6 different rural schools run by SAMPARC NGO near Pune and catered to creating awareness of IEEE in general and STEM Education in particular.
As an active volunteer, she was part of EC member to date and Treasurer IEEE Pune 2020, successfully completed the responsibilities of the role. As a chair, the Educational Activities of IEEE Pune section successfully conducted two capacity-building workshops in collaboration with other IEEE OUs reaching out to 1000 plus members. She initiated TEMS chapter formation under the IEEE Pune section and successfully inaugurated the TEMS Chapter under the Pune section. As a dedicated effort was successful in formalising IEEE TEMS Global Financial sponsored international conference 2021 IEEE TEMSMET. As a General Co-chair, she is leading the progress of this conference, co-hosted by Symbiosis. As part of these initiatives, her student branch has submitted a petition to form TEMS Student Branch Chapter recently. Her third role which is highlighted worthy is her serving as Secretary, of the IEEE India Council. She believes that this position has helped to connect and immensely contribute to IEEE.
Dr. Rajashree Jain has been actively involved with IEEE during recent years as well and the amount of quality contribution she has made is commendable. The following are a few to list:
- 2020-19 – Branch counsellor, SICSR Student branch, Advisor, IEEE WIE STB AG, Advisor, IEEE SICSR SIGHT Group
- 2020-19 Treasurer, IEEE Pune section, Mentor, WIE SB, IEEE Pune, Vice-chair, Student Activities, IEEE India council
- 2017-2018, Secretary, IEEE Pune section, Initiated the branch formation in 2018 at SICSR. Vice Chair, IEEE WIE AG, IEEE India Council, Hosted National WIE Symposium in 2018 with a focus on opportunities for women with a career break.
- 2014-2016- Chair, WiE AG Chair, Hosted International WIE Summit, USD 25000, WIECON -ECE 2016 in association with WIE AG, Bangladesh
- Worked in various capacities with the section as Tutorials chair, IEEE INDICON 2014, Newsletter Editor, 2013, etc.
- Member WIE since 2007- 14 years
The achievements and contributions of Dr. Rajashree Jain have made her the most inspiring member of IEEE and make her the ideal recipient of the prestigious IEEE IC – Outstanding WiE Volunteer Award. She is truly a role model for many people out there, especially women.